“This is a searingly powerful piece of community drama that will stay with you long after you have walked out of the theatre doors. It gives voice to people that we don’t often hear from and allows them to tell their own stories in their own words. These stories are often difficult to hear but they demonstrate the difficulties that many disabled people live with every day. What comes across most clearly however is the damage that austerity has done to the lives of our most vulnerable people and the frustration and powerlessness that many people feel. However, this play has given back some of that agency as it was devised, designed and directed by the group in only 12 weeks. It should be seen by everyone but especially those in positions of responsibility and power to change things for the better- from school children,to headmasters to policy makers.
Fay, 34, educator and mother of two.
The play touched on many key issues in society regarding disability however, what really added value to the play was that it allowed the audience members to enter into the daily lives of people who are disabled or who are caring for the disabled. This is very important because many of us are very much unaware of these challenges and issues that go on every day in people's lives and even on public transport.
The play conveyed a good balance between being informative and creating opportunities for solutions. I believe that many of the general public would like to help but at the same time are unaware of their ignorance and general bias towards disabled individuals. This play highlights these important issues and gets the viewers to challenge their way of thinking and make a change.
Charlton, full time carer and medical student.
Thought provoking, revealing of our not so civilised society. The guests showing how it can be done better is very helpful because it's easier to criticise than to show a constructive way forward which we all need to think about.
Kathryn, mother of 5, home educator and professional advocate.